How To Read With A Word Size Graph For Kids | Language Arts Kids

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How To Read With The Word Size Graph For Kids

Language Arts For Kids

Learn how to read for kids with a word size graph and graph the size of words with Elliot and myABCdad Learning for Kids.

The Word Size Graph helps children recognize words have size. Longer words have more letters and take longer to say. Shorter words have fewer letters and take less time to collectively, spit them out. The size of the words also connects with reading. As well as individual sounds, a child’s big, fat, juicy brain begins to form pictures of words. Effectively, they remember the collection of letters that make words, or take a brain photo.

When reading with Elliot, I have noticed he often jumps in to read words he recognizes, a good indication he recognizes the whole language of words. He is not alone here. Teaching Kindergarten across the globe has given me a front row seat to observe this common characteristic of many children beginning to read.

Introducing the Word Size Graph as a tool to get stuck in to language helps us capitalize on Elliot’s growing recognition of whole words. He searches out, tracks and graphs different size words. Giving language a squash and a Maths squeeze is yet another powerful way to make learning connections with the Word Size Graph. Make sure to check out Elliot having a go at the Word Graph and Letter Graph  additional outstanding tools combining Maths and Language learning.

Like any language learning tool, however, the text they are working with matters. And even before that, having the desire  to read takes time to cultivate. Below are my 5 top reading tips to help nurture and love reading.

5 Top Reading Tips For Beginning Readers like Elliot

1Model It – Read around them, near them, above them, below them and enjoy it. Talk about what you read with family and friends and do so when they are around. They may not join the conversation but they are taking stock.

2Read to Them – Bedtime reading is a great way to dive into stories or books. Let them choose and make it a routine early in their young lives. Whatever they choose, embrace it. Model the pleasure of reading and listening to stories or information books and kinds of literature.

3Give them Time – Reading is a life-long process. We are always learning to read, so why rush it?

4Visit a Library, and do so OFTEN! – Talk about reading immersion. The whole place is dedicated to it. Books are everywhere and everyone is doing the same thing. Magic on a rainy, or sunny day.

5Repetition Matters – Work together with reading activities and use text that means something. When they value and connect with content, it is easier to visit and revisit again and again. Then it is much easier to dig deeper into the guts and glory of letters, sounds and all sorts of different word shapes and sizes.

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