M Paper-Mache For Kids | How To Make Letter M 3D

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Upper Case M Preview Lower Case M Preview Upper and Lower Case M Preview

M Paper-Mache For Kids

How To Make Letter M 3D For Kids

Learn how to make letter M 3D and enjoy fun M paper-mache for kids with Elliot and myABCdad Learning for kids.

Elliot and I spent the better part of an afternoon making our fabulous 3D upper and lower case M’s. The time we spent together was great and we will definitely continue making the alphabet. Having said this, to help make this activity as successful for those of you that also want to have a go, I have a couple of recommendations.

First, make sure you use thin cardboard for the base of the letters. When Elliot and I made our 3D letter R’s with paper-mache, one of the trickier parts was cutting out the base of the letters. The cardboard was too thick and was a real hassle to cut, particularly for Elliot. This time we used thinner cardboard and it made cutting the upper and lower case M’s much easier. Using a cereal box is ideal.

Make it a two part activity.

The next thing to keep in mind involves the drying time for the paper-mache. The paint also takes time to dry, particularly if you start with a layer of white paint. I would recommend breaking up the activity into at least two parts. The first part could include, drawing the letters, cutting them out, taping on twisted up pieces of paper and covering with paper-mache.

After the paper-mache dries and hardens, then the second visit could be devoted to painting. Alternatively, you could use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process of the paper-mache and the different stages of painting.

When Elliot and I completed our M’s it was a warm, sunny day so we sat our M’s to dry in the sunshine. After about 30 minutes, they were ready to paint.

The final measure that I took to really make the letters stand out, was painting them with a final coat of white glue. When dry, the glue gives it a shinny exterior which makes them look fantastic. They also become a bit more durable doing this.

As well as being durable, 3D letters made with paper-mache are very light and easy to stick to walls with blu-tac or tape.

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