Learn How To Add And Subtract For Kids With A Calendar | Cool Math Kids

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Learn How To Add And Subtract For Kids With A Calendar

Cool Math For Kids

Learning to add and subtract with a calendar is cool math for kids with Elliot and myABCdad Learning for Kids.

Have you ever heard a child ask, how many days until the weekend? How many days until Christmas? How many days left before my birthday? Take advantage of interest and connect it with this DIY January Calendar. Make visiting the calendar each day a daily event. Not only will it help establish when, it also provides a fabulous entry point to learning numbers.

Along with choosing a weather card and recording tallies reflecting the date number, the this calendar now includes space to record number sentences. Elliot can now begin to record simple addition and subtraction sentences that equal the number of each day.

January 2017 marks the fifth month that Elliot has been working with the calendar. He is now very successful when recording tallies, marking every five days with an oval. He can now fluently record amounts and count to 31.

Throughout our calendar journey Elliot has made several observations about amounts. He regularly points out which date the next five, or oval, will occur. He also uses prior numbers to help remind him where we are now. When recording the date on an activity, Elliot now often uses the calendar posted on our ‘Have a Go Wall’ to help him.

Introduce Simple Addition and Subtraction

Profiting from the new year, a new month and Elliot’s stronger number sense, we will begin exploring amounts in greater detail. Recording tallies for the number of each day always proved a great launching pad in Kindergarten classrooms to introduce simple addition and subtraction. Adding a recording box for number sentences helps achieve this.

To help maintain success, the key is to start on the first day of the month and continue it each day. Use evidence from days before to help them reflect on numbers, amounts and counting. Keep it short and sweet, two number sentences is plenty to start. Over time, and with experience they will be the ones that want to do more. They will also start to connect with and record number sentences reflecting the tallies.

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